It's time to chase Innovation instead of reacting to the status quo.
-Taylor Williams
The ideas and innovations that arise might be inspired by a post that you saw as you casually scrolled through Twitter, Facebook, Insta, or another social media site. It could be an "a-ha" epiphany as you were standing over your BBQ grill and in a moment of zen inspiration discovered the perfect way to present your project for Unit 2. Whatever the ideas are, I wanted to throw one more out there... Be Humble. Challenge your students to speak honestly about your classroom and teaching.Brene Brown, Kim Scott, and many other corporate coaches write, podcast, present, and talk about vulnerability as the means for an effective and efficient team. My thought is why not a classroom as well. Considering that the relationship that you build over the next 180 days is going to take that student through some impactful learning and life experiences, I'd say you have a pretty great opportunity to get to know them. Why not give them the freedom to talk honestly to you. Here's what you could do: After your first mid-term, quarter, six weeks marker, take a class period to allow students to create an "Honest Trailer" about your classroom. What is an honest trailer? Check these out:
The activity doesn't have to be a trailer...Honest Trailer, Classroom Critique, Teacher Evaluation, whatever you want to call it, create an environment where students can be honest with you and your teaching. This is not meant to be a personal shot at you and your abilities, but an OPPORTUNITY to GROW as a teacher, BE BETTER for your students and BUILD immense RAPPORT with your students.
If students can be honest with you on your teaching, and you can be honest with them about their learning, what barriers do you have that would hold students back from being successful? Don't be the teacher that doesn't the teacher that surprises their students by their willingness to be vulnerable and excited about the feedback that comes!
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About TaylorTaylor currently serves as a Coordinator of Innovative Learning for a mid-sized school district in Texas. He is a speaker, writer, and coach for all who are in conflict with the status quo. Archives
March 2023